Would you like to have a beautiful WordPress website made for your company We can create a nice 5 page WordPress website for you for as little as 99 99 ex VAT if you also host the site with us You own the site and do not pay any other recurring costs for the construction of your website For the hosting you pay 5 ex VAT per month You can also choose to have us develop your site on a third party hosting server We charge a one off surcharge of 50 ex VAT for this For the amount of 99 99 we do the following for you Installation of the latest version of WordPressInstallation of the Divi theme included in the priceImport the design upload your logo adjust the colors and upload photos On page search engine optimization of your website with the Yoast pluginRegistering your website with Google Google Analytics Google Webmasters and Google My Business Configure your WordPress settingsInstallation of answer formsOn our website you will find an extensive overview of the matters that we carry out for you for the amount of 99 99 ex VAT When you host with us we also help you create your e mail addresses in the installation of your e mail addresses in your devices You can maintain your website yourself add extra pages yourself Create your own blog articles etc Take a look at our website or contact us to discuss the possibilities we can offer you
Kosten: Vraagprijs € 99,99
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Geplaatst op: | 28-08-2020 om 11:10u |
Door: | Wordpress Magento |
Bekeken door: | 738 bezoekers |
Aantal vragen: | Er zijn 0 vragen gesteld |
Woonplaats: | North Holland |
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