Te koop: DLP Dolby Lake Processor LP4D12 4in 12Out

DLP Dolby Lake Processor LP4D12 4in 12Out 1800 EurGreat sounding processors in good condition and good working condition these processors were drawnfrom a working production line every sale is in the picture for one processor but we have onetotal 3 in stock Check available quantity to see how much is available at the time ofpurchase This unit is used It comes from an installation fully tested and in excellent condition Very small scratches on the device because it is in a rack see pictures The LP4D12 offers 4 analog inputs and 12 analog outputs Firmware LP 1 50 53the voltage is 100 to 240 volts 50 60Hzvery good used conditionelkebakry gmail com

Kosten: Vraagprijs € 1800,-

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DLP Dolby Lake Processor LP4D12 4in 12Out

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Geplaatst op:10-11-2019 om 22:07u
Bekeken door: 1135 bezoekers
Aantal vragen: Er zijn 4 vragen gesteld

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Vraagprijs € 1800,-
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